Plant Nurseries
Trees are called the lungs of earth as they give us oxygen to breathe.
Planting trees provide a multitude of benefits,both long and short term,
as well as being attractive aesthetically,they remove and store carbon
from the atmosphere,cooling down the streets,save water,prevent
water pollution,reinforcing soil,slow heavy rain and so reduce
the risk of flooding,enhace air quality,provide shade,provide food,
protection and homes for humanity and wildlife and last but
not least trees can become agreat renewable energy source.
So beside being a great tool to reduce climate change,
they can also have a huge impact to the big victims of global
warming such as Africa by engaging local communities to
environmental education and planting food forests projects.
Through training the communities gain knowledege on how to
conserve water resources which is the main problem in the country
and how to ptepare soil for planting fruit trees.
From our experience with the local communities in Mwingi
in Kenya country,there are numerous of benefits.
• Builds community spirit and unity
• Educates communities about the impact of trees and nature in their
sustainable living
• Brings economic benefits to an area by offering jobs
• Positive impact on mental health,reducing stress
• Provides food
• Increase pollinator numbers
• Reduces pollutants in their area
• Provides shade for sun protection
About the School Gardens :
At this project only edible trees are planted in schools such as fruits,
veggies and medical to :
• feed children,families and communities
• feeds various animal species
• teach children about permaculture
Sand dams
Providing clean water, sanitation and hygiene solutions to those
in need is a life changing action as water is necessary
for the survival of all living organisms on Earth.
Water is Life!
A sand dam is constructed across the river channel
and during rain events, flooding, sand accumulates until the damn
is completely full of sand up to the spillway.
Water is stored within the sand, protected and filtered, making up to 40%
of the total volume.
The aquifer fills with water during the wet season, resulting from surface
runoff and groundwater recharge within the catchment.
Running Projects :
Kwa Maundu Community Sand Dam Project is in Kimuuni location
in Machakos county, an area with no water and they have received
little amount of rainfall.
Communities have already collected local materials like stones
or sand and they are ready as volunteers to work on building
their sand dam.
The population of the communities around that will have benefit
from this dam is approximately 3000 villagers. The water supply
will help them water their nursery plantations, goats, sheep & cows.
Ilianna Kroustalli _ the co-founder & Daniel Warner _ the creative soul
of Tribe , after walking 20km away from the community to find water.
Villagers are walking 20km to find water and return back to the community
walking another 20km while carrying their filled water bottles.
Ilianna Kroustalli _ the co-founder & Daniel Warner _ the creative soul of Tribe , after walking 20km away from the community to find water. Villagers are walking 20km to find water and return back to the community walking another 20km while carrying their filled water bottles.
Fulfilled Projects :
Mulata utunda community and mwitasyano community working together for food forests and the sand we supported.
and … full with water ready to serve the communities nearby.
Building Schools
Building schools for our communities is our bridge for better education.
We mostly teach permaculture in the fields but a proper roof
for a school can assist the pupils to study in shade.
Running projects :
Kathua Primary School Kitui Kenya funded by
* 520 pupils in a semi arid land
Their land receives little amount of rainfall and communities
have been surviving with farming and charcoal business.
Their rivers have dried up causing water scarcity.
Soil, Water & Environmental Conservation Foundation with
our Kenyan manager Mutuku Mutuliega implemented a program
of Education & Environmental Conservation planting 500 trees
in the school plant nursery.
Our Kenyan manager _ Mutuku Mutuliega in a photo that shows,
in the nursery plant of Kathua school, how we protect a seedling
by herbivores.
Ilianna Kroustali _ co-founder of the Tribe exploring the needs of
Kathuaʼs school students.
This year we aim to renovate the school as the classes roofing
is gone due to strong winds and there is no floor, windows or doors.
Right now pupils are doing their studies under the trees and
they may not have classes at all during the rainy season.